Wednesday, May 15, 2019

शिव कुमार बताल्वी: की पुच्छद्यु हाल फ़कीरां दा

की पुच्छद्यु हाल फ़कीरां दा
साडा नदीयों विछड़े नीरां दा
साडा हंझ दी जूने आयां दा
साडा दिल जल्यां दिलगीरां दा

Why ask about the condition of fakirs like us?
We are water, separated from its river,
Emerged from a tear,
Melancholy, distressed.

इह जाणद्यां कुझ शोख़ जहे
रंगां दा ही नां तसवीरां है
जद हट्ट गए असीं इशके दी
मुल्ल कर बैठे तसवीरां दा

Of course I knew that a painting is just
A whimsy of colors-
But when I entered the emporium of love,
I paid a price.

सानूं लक्खां दा तन लभ्भ ग्या
पर इक दा मन वी ना मिल्या
क्या लिख्या किसे मुकद्दर सी
हत्थां दियां चार लकीरां दा

Countless bodies did I find,
But not one mind did I meet.
This was written in my fate,
In the four lines of my palm.

तकदीर तां आपनी सौंकन सी
तदबीरां साथों ना होईआं
ना झंग छुट्ट्या ना कन्न पाटे
झुंड लंघ ग्या इंज हीरां दा

I could never find a way to escape it.
I did not leave Jhang, I did not pierce my ears,
And a crowd of Heers crossed my path.

मेरे गीत वी लोक सुणींदे ने
नाले काफ़र आख सदींदे ने
मैं दरद नूं काअबा कह बैठा
रब्ब नां रक्ख बैठा पीड़ां दा

People listen to my songs,
But call me a heretic,
Because I named pain my kaaba,
And sorrow, my god.

मैं दानशवरां सुणींद्यां संग
कयी वार उच्ची बोल प्या
कुझ मान सी सानूं इशके दा
कुझ दाअवा वी सी पीड़ां दा

On occasion, in gatherings of great people
I have spoken sharply.
Perhaps I was arrogant about my love,
Perhaps I felt I had a claim upon pain.

तूं ख़ुद नूं आकल कहन्दा हैं
मैं ख़ुद नूं आशक दस्सदा हां
इह लोकां 'ते छड्ड देईए
किनूं मान ने देंदे पीरां दा ।

You call yourself a wise man,
I say I am a lover.
Let us leave it to the people to decide
To whom they will give the esteem of a pir.

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